Emergency Appointments
We ask that all patients take self care measures before making an appointment with their GP (please see link below)
If you require an urgent appointment, please call the surgery at 08.00AM
The reception team may ask you the nature of your problem, they do not do this to be intrusive, they are asked by the Clinical team to ask questions so they can allocate the appropriate appointment.
Advice for Parents or Carers for children who are Ill between the ages of 0-18
Home visits
A small number of our patients are housebound (unable to leave their home) or deemed too ill to attend surgery.
If you require a home visit we ask that you contact the surgery before 10:00 am, so that your visit request can be allocated to an available clinician.
A member of the practice clinical team may wish to contact you by phone before visiting to clarify the need for a visit.
After 10.00 am requests for home visits will still be taken, however after an assessment and if not deemed urgent, the clinician may decide to visit the following day.
Routine appointments (pre-bookable)
The surgery offers pre-bookable appointments for the GP, Nurse and HCA.
Please speak to the receptionist who is more than happy to book an appointment for you.
If you have more than one problem to discuss with a Clinician please inform the receptionist when booking your appointment so they can allocate the correct amount of time for your appointment.
Please remember to cancel your appointments if you are unable to attend as we can offer this appointment to someone else.
*** Please inform the Reception team before boking your appointment if you require and interpreter as you will need a longer appointment***
Extended Access Appointments
General practice is here for you for longer as routine appointments become available on evenings and weekends
Our practice is working together with a number of practices to offer patients evening and weekend appointments.
From 1 October Primary Care Networks and groups of General Practices are working together to deliver key health and care services. Therefore, increasing access to pre-bookable, routine appointments at evenings and weekends.
Enhanced access appointments may include services like cervical screening, childhood vaccination clinics and health checks. People will be able to see a member of the general practice team, a GP, nurse or other health professional.
The appointments offered via enhanced access will be held at Moorgate or Radcliffe Primary Care Centre and may be with a different clinician than usual. This clinician will have access to your health records and will be able to treat you in the same way as your usual GP would.
You can access these appointments via our reception team on 01617230123