Ante Natal
This is a midwife led service and is based at the Stepping Stones Centre, Bury Street, Radcliffe. It is appointment only on Tuesday’s 09:00 – 13:00. If there any queries regarding your pregnancy please book an appointment with the doctor. Phone number 0161 253 7300
Family Planning
All types of family planning advice is given by all the doctors as they have specialist training and qualifications in this matter. Appointments are arranged at a mutually convenient time for coil fitting, implants and other contraception.
Child Assessment
These clinics are run by the doctor and health visitor on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month by appointment.
This clinic is run by the practice nurse. You will be notified when your child’s immunisations are due. Please ring reception 0161 7230123 to book your child an appointment.
Surgical Operations
Warts, Cysts and Fatty Lumps. Many other operations which can be carried out under local anaesthetic are available to our own patients. This clinic is every 2nd Wednesday of the month by appointment.
Smoking Cessation
If you wish help in giving up smoking, please self refer to the Bury Live Well service via
Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension Clinics
The practice nurses run these clinics on most days. The practice nurse also performs a range of diagnostic tests including blood test, ECG via referral from the doctor, Spirometry for lung disease, cytology and an annual flu clinic.
Travel Clinics
The practice nurse provides travel advice and vaccinations. Appointments should ideally be made 8 weeks before traveling abroad we cannot guarantee an appointment if you leave it until the last minute. We do not provide yellow fever vaccinations.
Substance Misuse & Alcohol
This is provided in conjunction with a substance misuse and alcohol worker attached to the practice.
Other Services Available
Cervical Smears, Infertility Investigations, Treatment of Menopausal Symptoms, Personal Disease Advice and Treatment, Physiotherapy, Clinical Psychology, Community Psychiatric nurse.